Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cheap Yet Priceless...

"Others have seen what is...and asked why. I have seen what could be...and asked why not." -Pablo Picasso

It was coming to the end of my third year in high school and the one thing that was on my mind was Student Government elections. Everyone running needed a game plan. A game plan that included being smart, funny, and the ability to think of what snack/candy you would buy to bribe the student body. Hahaha. 

The tricky part in actually making your game plan successful was that you weren't allowed to spend over 20 dollars for your campaign. So I reviewed my checklist of things to get. Posters...check. Markers...check. Assorted flavors Tootie Frooties...check. The morning came when everyone running for Student Government was restless to get to school so that we can hang our posters in thee best spots so everyone can see. My "U Gotta Vote For Uata" posters were ready to go!!

After hanging my posters...I walked around the school to check out all the other posters. And all I could remember was seeing big posters with three letters that instantly grabbed EVERY person's attention. The three letters that spelled out the name "AYA" out of paint pallets! The first word that came to my mind...BRILLIANT. Paint pallets are FREE!! So of course that is what allowed Aya Watanabe to still afford popcorn...America's favorite munching food! Snaps for her! How could you not vote for her?!

That simple idea has always been stuck in my head for a long time. Why not make a complete picture out of paint pallets?? Its free. There are so many color options. You can literally make ANYTHING. Possibilities were endless. So that is what led me to create this...

Aya's campaign was really cheap and affordable...but the response she got was priceless. So here's my little take of how free little paint pallets from Walmart can turn into something magnificent!! All I had to do was buy a white foam board, and some glue sticks. Total Cost: 3.00$$ :)